📄️ Hasura Cloud
Deploy database and Hasura instance
📄️ GraphQL-endpoint
Connect web app with hasura
📄️ Lists, Thumbnails
List template
📄️ Maps
You can see how to generate page based on map template including map points based on PostGIS position field. By clicking on point, detail opens with additional information.
📄️ 3D (TODO)
WIP React BabylonJS project template
📄️ Auditlog (TODO)
Apply SQL in DB audit scheme https://hasura.io/docs/latest/graphql/core/guides/auditing-tables/.
📄️ Authentication & authorization (TODO)
Hasura JWT secrets env variable
📄️ Business Logic (TODO)
WIP Ideally using serverless functions exposed using Hasura Action or Hasura Remote Scheme
📄️ Calendar (TODO)
WIP Fullcalendar project template
📄️ Dashboard (TODO)
📄️ Email Notifications (TODO)
WIP hasura table notifications webhook sends using SendGrid ot simillar 3rd party API
📄️ Environments
Multiple environments (TODO)
📄️ Excel (TODO)
📄️ Offline (TODO)
WIP PWA + rxdb + react hooks + Hasura template
📄️ Permissions (TODO)
WIP Admin pages, Hasura permissions - lunk other tables to permissions and user_permissions tables. Supetadmin, otg/team admin, user, anonymous.
📄️ Upload (TODO)
WIP S3 multipart upload with signed url. Hasura remote schema s3-graphql pointing to S3/Minio. Tables with relative path in bucket.
📄️ Video (TODO)
WIP video.js React store project template - annotations saved in Hasura.