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Deploy to Netlify to get your own copy of the repository. This button will do the following:

  • Connect to your GitHub account and create a new repository with the name you specify
  • Deploy your copy of the repository and setup continuous deployment

Next steps:

  1. Customization: Now you're all set and you can start customizing your site.
  2. Consider connecting to your own GraphQL/Hasura endpoint by Change GraphQL endpoint feature in Lowcode.
  3. Once deployed to Netlify, you can collaborate together on your project even with non-technical users.

How it works

  • When using Iteria Low-code the workflow looks like this:
  • Netlify watches git changes.
  • Netlify Plugin build optimized with dev dependencies (React dev build with source code line numbers).
  • User (developer, analyst, product manager) opens the page (for example clicks on build preview, or the user knows the url of dev/test/staging environment).
  • User adds new page / table columns / form field, edits translation (or theme, dashboard).
  • Page is instantly refreshed (React code is modified and thanks to React Fast it is instantly refreshed).
  • User commits changes to GIT and the workflow starts from the beginning. If a user needs a new package.json dependency / library then he or she needs to wait for CI/CD build.