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Iteria Low-code allows you to esily edit messages and their translation to all language mutations using following tools. The proper JSON file is edited behind the scenes based on your current langugage.

Tranlation toolsScreenshotDescription
Inline editInline (in place) editting your individual messages whild using your app (inputs, buttons etc.)
Translation sheetdisplay all messages in a sheet and import/export them (copy&paste to Excel/Google Sheet)

Inline Edit

Using WYSIWYG tippy you can hover over the text, click on the edit button and edit highlighted text - inline (in place) edit of localized text on the web page allows to translate the form control or column labels, menu items, etc.

User manual (steps)ScreenshotDescription
1. Move mouse over a component
2. Click edit mode
3. Inline edit the text

Usable for visual editing only tex/messages for React Components (not directly the react hooks).

Demo Video

Translation Spreadheet

Translation sheet is a spreadsheet with all messages and their translations (in all language mutations). Use this tool when you need to review all (instead of reading JSON files) your messages or import/export all your translations.

User manualScreenshotDescription
1. Click Floating action buttonFind button in bottom left corner of the page.
2. Choose Translation
3. Edit messages, download or copy to/from ExcelEach column contains different language (for each file in src/compiled-lang/)

You need to close/open translation sheet after adding/removing json file in src/compiled-lang/.

Demo Video

JSON File Format

Your site can contain multiple json files for different langugages - see /src/compiled-lang/*.json file. JSON file contains key (message ID) and values (translation). For more info see formatjs/react-intl.

"customers": "CUSTOMERS",
"total.customers": "TOTAL CUSTOMERS",
"total.profit": "TOTAL PROFIT",
"budget": "BUDGET",
"tasks.progress": "TASKS PROGRESS"